Thursday, April 26, 2012

Checking your sources

  • When was it created?
  • Who created the information? 
  • what is the information's objective? 
  • Are the aims of the site clear? 
  • Does the site achieve its aims? 
  • Where was it created?
  • Is it clear that what organization or individual created? 
  • Is the message clear?
  • Is it biased?
  • Is the information someone's idea or opinion?
  • Is the information fact?

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Flotilla Protests

  • UN (United Nations) Media 
  • Israeli Media 
  • Pallestian Media 
  • USA Government 
  • Pallestian Citizens 
  • Arab Media 
  • American Jews 
  • Pacifist's(against war)/ Protestors/ Student's 
  • Foreign Journalists 
  • Israeli Citizens 
  • Zionists 
  • Hamas Biased: 
  • Istreli Media
  • Pallestian Media 
  • Pallestian Citizens 
  • Pacifist's(against war)/ Protestors/ Student's
  • Hamas - USA Government 
  • American Jews 
  • Zionists Objective: 
  • UN (United Nations) Media 
  • Arab Media 
  • Pacifist's(against war)/ Protestors/ Student's 
  • Foreign Journalists 
  • Israeli Citizens

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Letter to Invisible Children

Critical Thinking (Kony 2012)

What I think it is true in this video
  • kidnapping kids
  • posting posters and stickers will help to catch Kony (That will make him more famous so everyone will volunteer to catch him)
  • they are in serious case
  • they met congressmen
  • Kony rape young girls and make them to be a sex slave
  • child slaves still exist
What I think it is not true in this video
  • most of the donations will not go to Uganda
  • Schools are built in Uganda and provide poor kids better education
  • the number of Kony's troop (30,000 kids is too much...)
  • Kony make the kids to kill their own parents
  • after the war, the kids can go back to their parents

Thursday, April 12, 2012


I saw that i used the keywords but i did not use enough keywords. I used very little amount of keywords. I used the words like user friendly, design and more. But i need to use other more important words. If i use more keywords, my Project Review will be better. Next time, i will use more keywords about designing and more.