Thursday, April 26, 2012

Checking your sources

  • When was it created?
  • Who created the information? 
  • what is the information's objective? 
  • Are the aims of the site clear? 
  • Does the site achieve its aims? 
  • Where was it created?
  • Is it clear that what organization or individual created? 
  • Is the message clear?
  • Is it biased?
  • Is the information someone's idea or opinion?
  • Is the information fact?

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Flotilla Protests

  • UN (United Nations) Media 
  • Israeli Media 
  • Pallestian Media 
  • USA Government 
  • Pallestian Citizens 
  • Arab Media 
  • American Jews 
  • Pacifist's(against war)/ Protestors/ Student's 
  • Foreign Journalists 
  • Israeli Citizens 
  • Zionists 
  • Hamas Biased: 
  • Istreli Media
  • Pallestian Media 
  • Pallestian Citizens 
  • Pacifist's(against war)/ Protestors/ Student's
  • Hamas - USA Government 
  • American Jews 
  • Zionists Objective: 
  • UN (United Nations) Media 
  • Arab Media 
  • Pacifist's(against war)/ Protestors/ Student's 
  • Foreign Journalists 
  • Israeli Citizens

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Letter to Invisible Children

Critical Thinking (Kony 2012)

What I think it is true in this video
  • kidnapping kids
  • posting posters and stickers will help to catch Kony (That will make him more famous so everyone will volunteer to catch him)
  • they are in serious case
  • they met congressmen
  • Kony rape young girls and make them to be a sex slave
  • child slaves still exist
What I think it is not true in this video
  • most of the donations will not go to Uganda
  • Schools are built in Uganda and provide poor kids better education
  • the number of Kony's troop (30,000 kids is too much...)
  • Kony make the kids to kill their own parents
  • after the war, the kids can go back to their parents

Thursday, April 12, 2012


I saw that i used the keywords but i did not use enough keywords. I used very little amount of keywords. I used the words like user friendly, design and more. But i need to use other more important words. If i use more keywords, my Project Review will be better. Next time, i will use more keywords about designing and more.

Sunday, March 11, 2012



Monday, February 13, 2012

Resting and Active Heart Rate

Trends: a person who had lower heart rate wil have also lower heart rate when active.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Blogging Guidelines

1.Know who you're communicating with. :]]]]
2.Know how to give helpful feedback.
3.Only post infomation that you can verify is true(no gossiping)
4.Treat other ppl the way you want to be treated
5.Think before you post something.Don't curse people for no reason =]]
6.Do not share your personal information to strangers on the internet.
7.Respect people works and don't copy them.
8.Use appropriate language, proper grammar and spelling.
9.Anytime you use media from another source, be sure to properly cite the creator of the orignal work.
10.Only post things that you would want everyone (in school, at home, in other countries) to know.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


I am Crystal and i am 8th grade. I go to American International School. My favorite subject is art and my hobby is cooking. I like to listen to music.

If there is somebody who are having first time in ICT, the advice i will give to them is study hard and practice at home. Try their best is the only way to achieve their own goal.

The goal i want to achieve is to know various types of computer skills and to know most of the computer programs. I want to learn about a program and the program is how to edit videos. I also want to learn photoshop and many others.